About Flexadex

Why does this site exist?
  • There are already many ways to store your contacts on the web, but very few sites are dedicated solely to this purpose. With other sites you often have to sift through a landslide of extraneous features, that you probably don't need, to get to your contacts. This slows you down.
  • Further, most contact storing sites force you to fragment your contact information into separate text fields, requiring you to laboriously click through various input boxes to store and retrieve your information. Some of these fields you'll have no use for, or you'll find yourself lacking other fields.
  • Flexadex provides you with one single, large window for each contact. In it you can store up to 50,000 characters of text - simple, flexible, and fast.
  • The drive behind Flexadex is to get you to your contact info with as few mouse clicks and keystrokes as possible, as quickly as possible, with as few distractions as possible. Hopefully you'll have a pleasant experience at the same time.

    Who and what is behind it?
  • This site was created by Colin Adamson of Xaxxon Technologies, with the help of a few other talented individuals. It's driven by Ruby on Rails, incorporates flash, and plenty of javascript.
  • The orginal inspiration for the project is the speed and simplicity of Windows Cardfile - 1st distributed in 1985, a time before bloatware.

    Contact us
  • We welcome your feedback--feel free to contact us at